
Monday, November 28, 2016

Tae Kwon Do Feature

After the last feature story I made, I wanted this next one to be better, incorporating all the things that weren't so great last time, and keeping the good things from last time in. First of all, while I originally thought that my idea to do a story on marching band was a good idea (and I still think it could've been), my planning, especially for the B-Roll/nat. sound, was not great, giving me little to work with in the editing. This time, I chose a subject (Tae Kwon Do) that I know a lot about, and I got some much better footage with good sound with it. I was also able to get a variety of shots this time, fitting some more medium and close shots into the video.

I think the interviews were about the same quality as last time. I got the answers that I needed, and the sound was good, but they weren't amazing of anything. I did get some things better, though. For one, last time, the location wasn't very good, being a solid gray wall and a weirdly-lit basement. While I couldn't get a relevant location for Drew's interview, I was able to get Master Stephen's in front of the flags, which ended up being a bit better.

When looking at this video compared to the last one, I'd say that I'm still improving. In the final product, I got much better nat sound than last time, and also just improved a bit on all the other aspects that make a good story. It's not amazing yet, but I'd say that I'm getting closer.

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